Evaluation of Memory Interference on upcoming Arm platforms on Gem5 system simulator

Computer architecture research uses simulation targets to quickly and cost-efficiently evaluate new ideas. Of these, Gem5 [1] is an open source simulator that supports multiple ISAs and provides a precise timing model of the full cache hierarchy and the memory subsystem [2]. Gem5 is even able to boot a full Linux system [3].

The goal of this thesis is to set up a testbed to evaluate memory interference effects on upcoming Arm platforms [4] and develop mitigations techniques (in hardware and/or software). On the software side, we use RT-Bench [5] and a research microkernel [6].

[1] www.gem5.org
[2] www.gem5.org/2020/06/01/heterogeneous-systems.html
[3] gem5art.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/boot-tutorial.html
[4] github.com/ARM-software/ATP-Engine/blob/master/README.md
[5] gitlab.com/rt-bench/rt-bench
[6] gitlab.com/azuepke/marron/


C, C++, Python, bash scripting

Basics of the computer architecture of modern SoCs and the Arm architecture in particular are helpful

Students from Informatics, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering can apply

Thesis Type

Semesterarbeit | Masterarbeit


Alex Züpke

Gebäude 5501 Raum 2.108

+49 (89) 289 - 55174
